I can provide you with the design, hosting and maintenance of your website. It doesn't matter if you do not know anything about computers because we will do all the work for you.

My confidence in designing web sites lies in the fact that I'm a
Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW) Professional. CIW is the largest Internet job-role certification and is accredited by the Association of Internet Professionals (AIP) and endorsed the by International Webmasters Association (IWA).
It is also endorsed and supported by the National Workforce Center for Emerging Technologies (NWCET).
IBM, HP and Arthur Andersen all use CIW in their corporate training programs.

Please email me for more information on how I can assist you in your online goals.


German Sieger Show Winners
VA1 Kamilla vom Römerland
VA1 Larus von Batu
VA1 Kora vom Bierstadter Hof
VA1 Bax von der Luisenstraße
VA1 Karma vom Ochsentor
VA1 Yasko vom Farbenspiel
VA1 Milla von Frutteto
VA1 Yasko vom Farbenspiel
VA1 Chipsi van de Herdersfarm
VA1 Ursus von Batu
VA1 Saskia von Arminius
VA1 Rikkor von Bad-Boll


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