04/07/2023 - X-Litter puppies available now and upcoming litters from top working lines, now taking reservations. From our German imported dogs. These litters are expected to have top quality performance dogs with good nerves, temperament, health, vitality and conformation. They will make great dogs for protection, sport and the family !!!
17/10/21 - Our German Import female Eyla von der Suderholmer Strasse is confirmed pregnant to the German import Chicco vom Harztor IPO-3. We are very excited about this litter. All Puppies Reserved!!
MADE IN GERMANY!! - We have a new female
in Germany from top performance bloodlines, she will be bred to the current #1 producing dog in Europe. The litter of a lifetime!!!
The latest addition to our kennel, our new competition dog and breeding male Chicco vom Harztor IPO-3, good hips and elbows, DNA proven. At just 3 years old Chicco has already competed at International competitions. A very strong, dominant male with good nerves, high aggression and always ready to work, an absolute joy to work with.

22/11/12 - New Videos and Pictures
from the 2012 WUSV World Championship representing T&T in
Austria with Glen...
29/09/12 - At 8 years old Glen got his Breed Survey in Germany
under Kormeister Karl-Heinz Zygadto in Wiesbaden-Bierstadt Club
19/06/12 - The first progeny from Glen looks very promising
with super drives, full grips, outgoing temperaments and very
nice conformation, bone and size. Glen is proving to be an outstanding
producer of working dogs!! more
13/01/12 - 4-time World Championship
competitor Glen vom Hexenkeller is now in my kennel available
for breeding !!! more
10/10/08 - The Royal Canin brand of Super Premium Dog Food is
now available in Trinidad & Tobago through our kennel and
is now available for sale from us. Let your dog experience a
longer lifespan from a healthier diet and more economical prices.
08/05/08 - We are pleased to announce that our own homebred
male Orry vom Kristoph is now SchH-3. Orry is now THE FIRST
and ONLY dog born and bred in Trinidad and Tobago to be titled
to a SchH-3 level. ANYONE CAN BUY A TOP
0 8/05/08 - Puppies For Sale - Our Gonzalez
von Tronje Daughter Fessi vom Team Fiemereck SchH-2 has 4 male
puppies with the outstanding VA Orbit vom Huhnegrab son Taito
vom Huhnegrab SchH-1, Kkl.1. Never before
in T&T - A Show litter with both parents Schutzhund
titled, breed surveyed etc. All 4 puppies are of exceptional
quality and superior breeding value.
16/07/05 - Karlo wins
a Challenge Certificate, Best of Breed, Best of Group and Best
In Show at All Breed Championship Show with over 100 entries
under Islrael FCI Judge.
06/05/05 - Introducing our latest addition, Fessi vom Team Fiemereck
by Gonzalez von Tronje and Fara vom Team Fiemereck. Fara has
the same mother as VA Oducha vom Team Fiemereck !!!.
26/05/04 - Karlo
is Trinidad & Tobago Grand Champion 2004